
Ligue Calendrier Mineure

Derniers matchs joués
Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
JourMatch Équipe visiteuse Score Équipe locale Score ST OT SO RI Lien
1 - 2024-05-051Philadelphia Phantoms3Chicago Wolves8WSommaire du match
1 - 2024-05-052Bridgeport Sound Tigers8Laval Rockets2LSommaire du match
1 - 2024-05-053Manitoba Moose2Quebec Rempart4WSommaire du match
1 - 2024-05-054Rimouski Oceanic7Chicoutimi Sagueneens5LSommaire du match
1 - 2024-05-055Lake Erie Monsters6Sherbrooke Phoenix7WXSommaire du match
1 - 2024-05-056Brampton Battalion6Manchester Monarchs7WXSommaire du match
1 - 2024-05-057Calgary Hitman8Binghampton Senators4LSommaire du match
1 - 2024-05-058Drummondville Voltigeurs5Lowell Devils4LSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-069Philadelphia Phantoms2Chicago Wolves6WSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-0610Bridgeport Sound Tigers4Laval Rockets8WSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-0611Manitoba Moose5Quebec Rempart3LSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-0612Rimouski Oceanic6Chicoutimi Sagueneens5LSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-0613Lake Erie Monsters4Sherbrooke Phoenix8WSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-0614Brampton Battalion3Manchester Monarchs5WSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-0615Calgary Hitman7Binghampton Senators5LSommaire du match
2 - 2024-05-0616Drummondville Voltigeurs2Lowell Devils14WSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0717Chicago Wolves9Philadelphia Phantoms3LSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0718Laval Rockets3Bridgeport Sound Tigers4WXSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0719Quebec Rempart2Manitoba Moose4WSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0720Chicoutimi Sagueneens6Rimouski Oceanic1LSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0721Sherbrooke Phoenix4Lake Erie Monsters6WSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0722Manchester Monarchs6Brampton Battalion5LSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0723Binghampton Senators6Calgary Hitman8WSommaire du match
3 - 2024-05-0724Lowell Devils3Drummondville Voltigeurs2LSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0825Chicago Wolves6Philadelphia Phantoms3LSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0826Laval Rockets5Bridgeport Sound Tigers6WXSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0827Quebec Rempart4Manitoba Moose5WSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0828Chicoutimi Sagueneens5Rimouski Oceanic6WXSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0829Sherbrooke Phoenix7Lake Erie Monsters4LSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0830Manchester Monarchs8Brampton Battalion3LSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0831Binghampton Senators3Calgary Hitman4WSommaire du match
4 - 2024-05-0832Lowell Devils7Drummondville Voltigeurs3LSommaire du match
5 - 2024-05-0934Bridgeport Sound Tigers6Laval Rockets5LSommaire du match
5 - 2024-05-0935Manitoba Moose6Quebec Rempart4LSommaire du match
5 - 2024-05-0936Rimouski Oceanic4Chicoutimi Sagueneens8WSommaire du match
5 - 2024-05-0937Lake Erie Monsters2Sherbrooke Phoenix3WXSommaire du match
5 - 2024-05-0940Drummondville Voltigeurs7Lowell Devils6LSommaire du match
6 - 2024-05-1044Chicoutimi Sagueneens4Rimouski Oceanic6WSommaire du match
6 - 2024-05-1048Lowell Devils4Drummondville Voltigeurs6WSommaire du match
7 - 2024-05-1156Drummondville Voltigeurs4Lowell Devils5WXSommaire du match
8 - 2024-05-1257Bridgeport Sound Tigers5Chicago Wolves4LSommaire du match
8 - 2024-05-1258Manitoba Moose8Rimouski Oceanic7LXSommaire du match
8 - 2024-05-1259Calgary Hitman4Sherbrooke Phoenix3LSommaire du match
8 - 2024-05-1260Lowell Devils4Manchester Monarchs5WSommaire du match
9 - 2024-05-1361Bridgeport Sound Tigers-Chicago Wolves-
9 - 2024-05-1362Manitoba Moose-Rimouski Oceanic-
9 - 2024-05-1363Calgary Hitman-Sherbrooke Phoenix-
9 - 2024-05-1364Lowell Devils-Manchester Monarchs-
10 - 2024-05-1465Chicago Wolves-Bridgeport Sound Tigers-
10 - 2024-05-1466Rimouski Oceanic-Manitoba Moose-
10 - 2024-05-1467Sherbrooke Phoenix-Calgary Hitman-
10 - 2024-05-1468Manchester Monarchs-Lowell Devils-
11 - 2024-05-1569Chicago Wolves-Bridgeport Sound Tigers-
11 - 2024-05-1570Rimouski Oceanic-Manitoba Moose-
11 - 2024-05-1571Sherbrooke Phoenix-Calgary Hitman-
11 - 2024-05-1572Manchester Monarchs-Lowell Devils-
12 - 2024-05-1673Bridgeport Sound Tigers-Chicago Wolves-
12 - 2024-05-1674Manitoba Moose-Rimouski Oceanic-
12 - 2024-05-1675Calgary Hitman-Sherbrooke Phoenix-
12 - 2024-05-1676Lowell Devils-Manchester Monarchs-
13 - 2024-05-1777Chicago Wolves-Bridgeport Sound Tigers-
13 - 2024-05-1778Rimouski Oceanic-Manitoba Moose-
13 - 2024-05-1779Sherbrooke Phoenix-Calgary Hitman-
13 - 2024-05-1780Manchester Monarchs-Lowell Devils-
14 - 2024-05-1881Bridgeport Sound Tigers-Chicago Wolves-
14 - 2024-05-1882Manitoba Moose-Rimouski Oceanic-
14 - 2024-05-1883Calgary Hitman-Sherbrooke Phoenix-
14 - 2024-05-1884Lowell Devils-Manchester Monarchs-